The Penultimate Mechsuit: The Gundam
Gundam is a Japanese science fiction mecha anime as well as a military and political drama. It features many timeplines, and dozens of series, OVAs, manga, and books, as well as the plastic model kits known as Gunpla, which take up a large majority of the Japanese plastic model market. The series is widely regarded as a defining series in the "real robot" mecha genre. If you've seen a thing with big robots piloted by people in it, it probably took inspiration from this series.

So Why Make This?
Gundam is something I've experienced for almost as long as I can remember. When I first watched Gundam Wing with my dad, I was too little to understand its real strengths, but was still captivated by the mechs themselves. As I got older, I began to understand the nuances, the themes, annd the intense criticisms of military riddled throughout the whole damn thing. The big robots are just a bonus, to be honest.

This is, for all intents and purposes, meant to be a shrine dedicated to all my thoughts on Gundam and it's related media and things, both negative and positive. I'm no expert, just someone with a lot of autism and too many opinions. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, the best way to formulate an opinion is interating with it yourself.