Why Dragon Ball?

I feel like asking someone why they like Dragon Ball is like asking an American why they like burgers. Americans just like burgers. People just like Dragon Ball. But like... there has to be a reason for everyone to like it, right?
For me, my love of Dragon Ball comes from my love of themes of friendship and caring for others. Goku is able to inspire those he cares about to be a kinder person, and those he can't he spirit bombs to death. Good role model. Fighting isn't senseless violence all of the time, it's a way to be stronger to protect the people who matter.

Above all, these characters are my friends. Goku and Tien and Gohan and Bulma are my friends, and I get to join them on their journeys and adventures. I think that is why it is so culturally prevalent. I think people like stories about friends, and I think having sick ass fighting montages helps. I love you Dragon Ball.
Now I by no means got into Dragon Ball as a kid. I started Dragon Ball in my senior year of high school. That was 3 years ago. But it means A Lot to me. I care deeply about these guys. I don't think it's a shining star of good writing or even the best thing I've ever experienced, I just think it is a genuinely enjoyable story about my good friend Goku and all of his friends.
A Special Shoutout to 2 of my closest friends for being the ones to get me into Dragon Ball. May your Dokkan pulls always have what you need.
Dragon Ball AMVs
I love them because they go hard as fuck. Am I not supposed to see Vegeta beating the shit out of someone while Linkin Park plays and think "Wow, this is the rawest shit I've ever seen"? Like, I'm not a coward. I know peak when I see peak. Please watch this hard as fuck Tien edit I beg. I'm begging on hands and knees.
There is genuinely just something so Iconic about these edits. Tenshinhan is my favorite character for a lot of reasons, but all of his fucking sickass edits go so hard. They are so good. I love these. This song is so funny to pick too.
Why Should You Care About Dragon Ball?
Well, to be honest. I just think it's a good romp. People have waxed poetic about how it changed shonen for better or for worse for ages. I'm not here for that. I'm here to tell you that if you want to see your best friend Goku, you are going to have a good time. Sometimes that's all you need. Dragon Ball is something fun and easy to read or watch that you can think about and go Wow! I really like Gohan and I like his friends too! Ultimately, I think Dragon Ball is good because it's a story about friends and how you can change peoples lives for the better, but also how you shouldn't let the people you can't help bog you down. You should instead scream kame-hame-ha and watch them fucking disintegrate. God bless.